Gharat an Old Technology for a Greener tomorrow

Gharat :- A self sustained water powered Flour mill 

Watermill is a centuries old technology,Our town Jutogh also has witnessed this legacy as we had our own gharat. It was near to badairi village.  it is said that this technology started around 7th century. This technology is widespread over the hilly territories of Uttaranchal, Himachal Pradesh and North East India. The watermills popularly known as ‘gharats’ in Himachal Pradesh, have traditionally been used for rice hulling, milling of grain and other mechanical applications. With the advent of new technology these can be used to produce electricity, not only energy requirement can be met but it would boost the economic and social condition of power producers. Lately with the thoughtful intervention of Govt Agencies and NGOs now the up gradation and modernization of watermills has caught technologists’ eye.


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